When you generate screenshots, we capture the webpage with the ad, but we don't show any "desktop" elements (the browser or the operating system). In some cases, it can be useful (or even required) to include the site's URL and a timestamp in the
screenshot. See example below:
Using Screenshot Wrappers
Wrappers let you add the site URL and the screenshot's timestamp to your image downloads and presentations. Here's how it works:
Select the screenshot(s) you'd like to download and click Download
Pick the Wrapper Type you'd like to use: webpage only, browser + webpage, or browser + OS + webpage
Click the Download button
When creating a presentation
Give your presentation a title
(optional) Add a subtitle and custom logo
Pick the Wrapper Type you'd like to use: webpage only, browser + webpage, or browser + OS + webpage
Configure your slides
Click Create Presentation
When downloading entire campaigns
Select the campaign(s) you'd like to download and click Download
Pick the Wrapper Type you'd like to use: webpage only, browser + webpage, or browser + OS + webpage
Click the Download button